About Andover Landscaping

I was just a kid who loved to cut the grass at my house. Before I even had my license, my father would drive me to a customer’s house, drop me off with a lawn mower and a weed whacker, and come pick me up in a couple hours (this was all accomplished without cell phones!)

My business grew along the way, expanding into paver walkways and patios, retaining walls, bobcat/mini excavator service, lawn installation/renovation, hydro seeding, grading and a whole bunch more.

My parents started a garden center called Andover Country Gardens about the same time I started landscaping. From a couple of mums for sale in the fall it grew into piles of fresh ground mulch and greenhouse’s full of plants.

In 2008, with my parents looking to semi-retire, I bought Andover Country Gardens and it was merged together with Andover Landscaping llc. My parents Dave and Cathy are still there 3-4 days a week in the season, and they enjoy time off to spend with their family.

Like any other small business, we’ve had some bumps and bruises along the way. Learning from mistakes has always fueled the entrepreneurial drive to operate a successful, small town business that is based on trust and operated with pride.

All of us at Andover Landscaping llc would like to thank our customers for trusting us over the last 20 years. We love what we do, and look forward to another 20 years!

Matt Cordner
